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korean:native_korean_multisyllabic_verbs [2011/12/08 17:57]
monkeypuzzle [-서다 verbs]
korean:native_korean_multisyllabic_verbs [2012/01/12 03:28]
monkeypuzzle [-들다 verbs]
Line 3: Line 3:
 [[korean:native_korean_multisyllabic_verbs|Part 1]] [[korean:native_korean_multisyllabic_verbs_2|Part 2]] [[korean:native_korean_multisyllabic_verbs|Part 1]] [[korean:native_korean_multisyllabic_verbs_2|Part 2]]
 [[korean:native_korean_multisyllabic_verbs_3|Part 3]] [[korean:native_korean_multisyllabic_verbs_4|Part 4]] [[korean:native_korean_multisyllabic_verbs_3|Part 3]] [[korean:native_korean_multisyllabic_verbs_4|Part 4]]
 +[[korean:native_korean_multisyllabic_verbs_5|Part 5]] [[korean:native_korean_multisyllabic_verbs_6|Part 6]]
 +[[korean:native_korean_multisyllabic_verbs_7|Part 7]] [[korean:native_korean_multisyllabic_verbs_8|Part 8]]
 +[[korean:native_korean_multisyllabic_verbs_9|Part 9]]
 ===== -가다 verbs ===== ===== -가다 verbs =====
Line 41: Line 44:
 |9998|뛰어나가다| |run out (of a room), rush | |9998|뛰어나가다| |run out (of a room), rush |
 |10211|잡혀가다| |be taken into (police custody) | |10211|잡혀가다| |be taken into (police custody) |
 +|10490|뛰쳐나가다| |힘 있게 밖으로 뛰어나가다; 어느 곳에서 벗어나거나 갑자기 떠나 버리다 |
 +|10508|몰려가다| |be driven (into a corner), be chased; (people) crowd, flock, storm |
 +|11101|몰아가다| |drive (cattle to a pasture); take away in a lump, sweep away; buy in mass |
 +|11432|쫓아가다| | |
 +|14392|버금가다| | |
 +|15896|옮아가다| | |
 +|16557|굴러가다| | |
 +|16591|기어가다| | |
 +|16855|밀려가다| | |
 +|17502|장가가다| | |
 +|19097|오래가다| | |
 +|20437|뒤따라가다| | |
 +|21602|잘나가다| | |
 ===== -오다 verbs ===== ===== -오다 verbs =====
Line 78: Line 94:
 |9529|데려오다| |bring, fetch (a doctor, a friend, his girlfriend) | |9529|데려오다| |bring, fetch (a doctor, a friend, his girlfriend) |
 |9542|뛰어오다| |run along this way, come running | |9542|뛰어오다| |run along this way, come running |
 +|10387|걸어오다02|싸움을 ~ | |
 +|10797|지나오다| | |
 +|12443|따오다| | |
 +|12538|불러오다| | |
 +|13211|닥쳐오다| | |
 +|14701|우러나오다| | |
 +|14897|쫓아오다| | |
 +|15325|내오다| | |
 +|17940|흘러오다| | |
 +|18375|뒤따라오다| | |
 +|20557|몰려나오다| | |
 +|21418|울려오다| | |
 ===== -니다 verbs ===== ===== -니다 verbs =====
Line 89: Line 117:
 |7201|날아다니다| |fly about | |7201|날아다니다| |fly about |
 |7224|뛰어다니다| |run around (children in the garden; looking for a job) | |7224|뛰어다니다| |run around (children in the garden; looking for a job) |
 +|12122|쫓아다니다| | |
 +|12660|쏘다니다| | |
 +|13254|떠돌아다니다| | |
 +|14275|떠다니다| | |
 +|15258|굴러다니다| | |
 +|16615|나다니다| | |
 +|16817|몰려다니다| | |
 ===== -돌다 verbs ===== ===== -돌다 verbs =====
Line 99: Line 134:
 |7439|감돌다| |(silence, war clouds, tension) hang (in the air); (a smile) linger; (river curves) meander | |7439|감돌다| |(silence, war clouds, tension) hang (in the air); (a smile) linger; (river curves) meander |
 |7865|웃돌다| |exceed (expectation, supply, temperature) | |7865|웃돌다| |exceed (expectation, supply, temperature) |
 +|11026|남아돌다| | |
 +|14354|밑돌다| | |
 +|16386|휘돌다| | |
 +|16455|겉돌다| | |
 ===== -들다 verbs ===== ===== -들다 verbs =====
Line 132: Line 171:
 |9092|대들다| |oppose, defy (one's superior), rebel against | |9092|대들다| |oppose, defy (one's superior), rebel against |
 |9098|덤벼들다| |throw oneself upon, strike at, attack; go about (one's task), get to work (on sth) | |9098|덤벼들다| |throw oneself upon, strike at, attack; go about (one's task), get to work (on sth) |
-|9802|찾아들다| | +|9802|찾아들다| |쉬거나 볼일(business)을 보러 어떠한 곳으로 가다; 어떠한 상태나 현상 따위가 생겨나다 | 
- +|10494|말려들다| |be implicated in (a crime), be entangled in, be mixed up in | 
-===== -뛰다 verbs ===== +|10527|밀려다| | | 
- +|11363|잦아들다| | | 
-^Ranking^Word^Explanation^Definition^ +|11434|찌들다| | | 
-|1626|뛰다02|빨리 아가다|run away, flee |r +|12266|걸려들다| | | 
-|1852|뛰다01|심장이 ~|jump, leap, spring |r +|13181|다| | | 
-|9439|건너뛰다| |jump across; skip (a page+|13639|움츠다| | | 
- +|13866|치켜들다| | | 
-===== -나다 verbs ===== +|14186|다| | | 
- +|14387|다| | | 
-^Ranking^Word^Explanation^Definition^ +|15741|다| | | 
-|97|지나다| |pass, go by (a place); (time) pass, elapse; (contract, time for application) expire, terminate | +|16254|타들다| | | 
-|104|나다01| |be born; come out|r +|16796|먹혀들다01| | | 
-|160|나타나다| |come out, appear, turn up; come into sight; show itself, be revealed; be disclosed; be mentioned | +|17123|손들다| | | 
-|166|만나다| |meet, see, join | +|18401|떠받들다| | | 
-|216|일나다| |get up, stand up; get out of bed, wake up; happen, occur; be kindled, be made | +|18454|멍들다| | | 
-|327|| |start, leave, departbreak off, part from, be estranged; die, depart; forget, slip one's mind | +|19312|장가들다| | |
-|376|끝나다| |end, finish, be over, be done | +
-|591|벗나다| |get out (of a place); rid oneself (of guilt); be off the point (a question); be contrary (to reason) | +
-|598|드러나다| |be exposed; reveal itself, show itself; come out, be disclosed, be found out | +
-|684|다| |be born | +
-|809|늘어나다| |(rubber) stretch, lengthen; (population) increase, gain (weight) | +
-|1763|생겨나다| |없던 것이 있게 되다 | +
-|2005|빛나다| |shine | +
-|2064|생각나다| |come to mind, occur (to one); think of; flash upon; dawn upon; remember | +
-|2710|달아나다| |escape, flee, run away; speed, run fast; lose one's appetite, be sleepless | +
-|3123|어긋나다| |cross each other; go awry; deviate from (teachings, orders); be out of step (dance); be stranged (from) | +
-|3580|물러나다| |step back, back off (you are too close); retire (from public life), resign; fall off, come loose (leg of table+
-|3681|깨어나다| |wake upawaken; come around, regain consciousness; be disillusioned; become sober; be refreshed | +
-|4066|살아나다| |revive, be brought to life; recover; escape (danger); regain (strength) +
-|4388|타고나다| |be born with, be gifted with, be endowed with (talent, beauty, intelligence) | +
-|5139|자라나다| |자라서 크게 되다; 정신적인 면이나 기능적인 면 등에서 성숙하고 발전하다 | +
-|5415|쫓겨나다| |be expelled, be kicked, be fired | +
-|6333|피어나다| |come out, bloom (a flower); burn up again, rekindle; come back to life; improve | +
-|6778|되살아나다| |(flowers in water) revive, (senses) come back; be brought back (memories, nightmares) +
-|6810|불어나다| |(debts, assets, number of members, water) increase, rise, grow | +
-|7152|헤어나다| |get out of (poverty), get over (a shock), get through, free (oneself) | +
-|7517|밀려다| |be ousted from, be expelled from +
-|7590|우러나다| |(tea) brew, infuse, soak out +
-|7659|풀려나다| |get free from, free oneself from (chains) +
-|7744|돋아나다| | | +
-|10115|다| |(spring water) gush, spurt; (anger, love, hope) spring, surge, well up  | +
- +
-===== -내다 verbs ===== +
- +
-^Ranking^Word^Explanation^Definition^ +
-|167|내다02|길을 ~|open (a road), ‘나다’의 사동사. |r +
-|265|보내다| |send, mail; spend, pass (time, life); let go (a crowded bus); transmit (electricity) | +
-|588|나타내다| |appear, turn up (at a meeting); show, express (approval); represent, signify | +
-|600|지내다01| |spend (time), lead a life; associate (with); hold (a funeral), observe (rites); pursue (career) | +
-|791|꺼내다| |pull out, take out (one's money, one's purse); bring up (a problem), start talking +
-|1035|다| |show, reveal (bare skin); reveal, disclose (one's intention); express (feelings) +
-|1452|끝내다| |end, finish, complete, conclude | +
-|2326|찾아내다| |find out, discover, locate, hunt | +
-|3383|해내다| |accomplish, achieve (a task, an undertaking); beat, corner sb in argument | +
-|3507|펴내다| |publish (a magazine, books, journals) | +
-|3929|밝혀내다| |진리(truth),, 옳고 그름 따위를 판단하여 드러내다 | +
-|4357|알아내다| |find out, discover, detect, identify, figure out, locate +
-|5112|빼내다| |pick out, extract (a thorn, a bullet); select, pick out (applicants); steal; lure; bail out | +
-|5737|내보내다| |let sb out (dog, player); expel (tenants), fire (employees); broadcast, publish | +
-|5803|자다| |evoke (sympathy), arouse (curiosity); reel (silk) off (cocoons); extract (liquid), pump out+
-|7245|다| |push (out of the room), shove, thrust out +
-|7267|뽑아내다| | | +
-|7435|가려내다| |sort out, tell (right from wrong), distinguish, identify, pick out | +
-|7470|끌다| |drag sb out +
-|7537|빚어내다| |cause, foment, create, produce +
-|7723|끄집어내다| |pull, take out (coins from his pocket); raise, bring up (a subject) | +
-|8744|몰아내다| |remove, drive out, expel, chase out | +
-|8788|뽐내다| |boast, brag, show off  | +
-|10082|빛내다| |light up, make sth shine, brighten | +
- +
-===== -서다 verbs ===== +
- +
-^Ranking^Word^Explanation^Definition^ +
-|206|서다01| |stand |r +
-|458|나서다| |come out, appear (on stage); turn up, be found (a volunteer, an offer); intrude, interfere; get started +
-|646|들어서다| |enter; be built (a factory); (buildings) stand, occupy (a street); step up (to a person) +
-|1697|넘어서다| |pass over (mountains), get over (the hump) +
-|1798|일어서다| |stand up, rise (from one's seat); rise against (oppresion) | +
-|2201|앞서다| |go before, precede (in a race); excel, outdo; die before (one's parents) | +
-|2555|앞서다| | | +
-|2825|돌아서다| |turn around (and leave); turn away from (girlfriend); improve, take a turn for the better | +
-|2828|맞서다| |oppose, stand against, face (fate, corruption, difficulties) | +
-|4879|늘어서다| |(houses, people) line up, queue up | +
-|5334|다서다| |approach, draw near | +
-|6647|올라서다| |get on (stage), climb (mountain), rise (to first place) | +
-|6794|물러서다| |step back, back off, get out of the way; withdraw, retreat; retire, resign | +
-|7727|내려서다| |go down to (the ground), get down (from a horse) | +
- +
-===== -앉다 verbs ===== +
- +
-^Ranking^Word^Explanation^Definition^ +
-|183|앉다| |sit | +
-|3016|주저앉다| |drop, sink (into the chair); settle down (in Thailand); (a building) collapse; give up; fail | +
-|3173|가라앉다| |(a boat) sink; calm, subside (wind, storm); calm down, settle down (excitement) | +
-|6196|내려앉다| | | +
-|7168|걸터앉다| | | +
-|7494|둘러앉다| | | +
-|9109|어앉다| | | +
- +
-===== -눕다 verbs ===== +
- +
-^Ranking^Word^Explanation^Definition^ +
-|981|눕다01| |lie down |r +
-|7219|드러눕다| | | +
- +
korean/native_korean_multisyllabic_verbs.txt · Last modified: 2012/01/12 03:28 by monkeypuzzle