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korean:monosyllabic_hada_adjectives [2011/10/19 03:52]
monkeypuzzle created
korean:monosyllabic_hada_adjectives [2011/12/24 03:55] (current)
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 ^Ranking^Word^Explanation^Definition^ ^Ranking^Word^Explanation^Definition^
-|584|강하다02|强- | | +|584|강하다02|强- |strong; firm; good (at) |r 
-|761|심하다|甚- | | +|761|심하다|甚- |extreme; great; intense; terrible 
-|1449|편하다|便- | | +|1449|편하다|便- |comfortable; relaxed; easy 
-|1567|착하다| | | +|1567|착하다| |good, nice, good-natured 
-|1655|흔하다| | | +|1655|흔하다| |abundant, plentiful; common, ordinary 
-|1860|약하다01|弱- | | +|1860|약하다01|弱- |weak, feeble |r 
-|2437|급하다|急- | | +|2437|급하다|急- |urgent, pressing; impetuous; hasty; steep; dangerous 
-|3018|진하다01|津- | | +|3018|진하다01|津- |dark, deep; thick; heavy |r 
-|3209|친하다|親- | | +|3209|친하다|親- |intimate, familiar, close 
-|3221|귀하다|貴- | | +|3221|귀하다|貴- |precious, valuable; rare, scarce 
-|3341|환하다01| | | +|3341|환하다01| |bright; clear, open; handsome |r 
-|3476|뻔하다02| | | +|3476|뻔하다02| |clear, obvious, evident/almost, nearly |r 
-|3927|못하다| | | +|3927|못하다| |inferior; be bad at, be weak at 
-|4691|묘하다|妙- | | +|4691|묘하다|妙- |strange; weird; funny; odd; peculiar 
-|5510|숱하다| | | +|5510|숱하다| |plentiful; thick; rich
-|6212|독하다|毒- | | +|6212|독하다|毒- |potent, strong; spiteful, venomous; dogged, firm 
-|6618|선하다04|善- | | +|6618|선하다04|善- |good, nice, good-natured |r 
-|6729|험하다|險- | | +|6729|험하다|險- |rugged, rough; tough 
-|7311|연하다01|軟- | | +|7311|연하다01|軟- |soft, tender; light; weak 
-|7846|엄하다|嚴- | | +|7846|엄하다|嚴- |strict; stern; harsh 
-|8115|성하다01| | | +|8115|성하다01| |intact, undamaged; healthy, in good condition |r 
-|8580|추하다01|醜- | |+|8580|추하다01|醜- |dirty, filthy; mean, disgusting |r
 |8840|야하다01|冶- | | |8840|야하다01|冶- | |
-|9009|흉하다|凶- | | +|9009|흉하다|凶- |unlucky, ominous; ugly, hideous 
-|9110|딱하다| | | +|9110|딱하다| |pitiful, pathetic; annoying, embarrasing 
-|9655|순하다02|順- | | +|9655|순하다02|順- |gentle, meek (temper); mild, smooth (taste)|r 
-|10560|분하다03|憤- | | +|10560|분하다03|憤- |angry, furious; upset, mortified |r 
-|11742|멍하다| | |+|11742|멍하다| |abstracted; absent-minded; vacant (look); dazed; stupefied |
 |12056|장하다01|壯- | | |12056|장하다01|壯- | |
-|12416|더하다| | | +|12416|더하다| |be more, be superior in number 
-|12418|덜하다| | |+|12418|덜하다| |어떤 기준이나 정도가 약하다; be less |
 |12622|습하다01|濕- | | |12622|습하다01|濕- | |
 |12869|족하다|足- | | |12869|족하다|足- | |
-|13126|괜하다| | | +|13126|괜하다| |useless, fruitless, vain, gratuitious 
-|13473|선하다01| | | +|13473|선하다01| |vivid (sight, recollection, memory) 
-|13629|용하다01| | | +|13629|용하다01| |skillful, excellent; praiseworthy, admirable; lucky, fortunate 
-|14278|뜸하다| | |+|14278|뜸하다| |be infrequent, be sparse (news, calls, customers) |
 |14966|탁하다01|濁- | | |14966|탁하다01|濁- | |
 |15433|둔하다|鈍- | | |15433|둔하다|鈍- | |
 |15799|악하다|惡- | | |15799|악하다|惡- | |
 |16461|격하다02|激- | | |16461|격하다02|激- | |
-|17643|찡하다01| | |+|17643|찡하다01| |choke up (when seeing a scene); 감동을 받아 가슴 따위가 뻐근한(full with emotion) 데가 있다 |r
 |17678|천하다01|賤- | | |17678|천하다01|賤- | |
 |17883|허하다02|虛- | | |17883|허하다02|虛- | |
 |17982|강하다01|剛- | | |17982|강하다01|剛- | |
 |18306|당하다01|當- | | |18306|당하다01|當- | |
-|19866|훤하다| | |+|19866|훤하다| |dimly bright, light (sky); open, unobstructed; bright, sunny; be familiar |
 |20073|과하다02|過- | | |20073|과하다02|過- | |
 |20271|냉하다01|冷- | | |20271|냉하다01|冷- | |
Line 54: Line 54:
 |22290|후하다|厚- | | |22290|후하다|厚- | |
 |22724|길하다|吉- | | |22724|길하다|吉- | |
-|23604|빤하다| | |+|23604|빤하다| |clear, evident, obvious, transparent; free, at leisure |
 |23787|성하다03|盛- | | |23787|성하다03|盛- | |
 |24021|실하다|實- | | |24021|실하다|實- | |
-|25459|휑하다| | |+|25459|휑하다| |empty (and lonesome), deserted |
 |26325|능하다|能- | | |26325|능하다|能- | |
-|26612|뚱하다| | | +|26612|뚱하다| |taciturn, silent (person); moody, glum (look), sullen 
-|26893|뭐하다| | |+|26893|뭐하다| |be awkward |
 |27882|승하다02|勝- | | |27882|승하다02|勝- | |
-|28005|싸하다| | |+|28005|싸하다| |pungent, piquant; minty, cool |
 |29019|정하다01|正- | | |29019|정하다01|正- | |
 |29268|징하다80| | | |29268|징하다80| | |
-|29273|짠하다| | | +|29273|짠하다| |painful, bitterly regrettable, pitiful 
-|29319|참하다01| | |+|29319|참하다01| |nice and pretty (young lady); mild, quiet, meek, modest; tidy, neat (writing) |r
 |30668|곤하다01|困- | | |30668|곤하다01|困- | |
 |30983|궁하다|窮- | | |30983|궁하다|窮- | |
 |31214|긴하다|緊- | | |31214|긴하다|緊- | |
-|32623|뭣하다| | |+|32623|뭣하다| |be awkward |
 |34867|여하다|如- | | |34867|여하다|如- | |
 |34888|역하다02|逆- | | |34888|역하다02|逆- | |
 |36177|정하다04|淨- | | |36177|정하다04|淨- | |
 |36481|중하다|重- | | |36481|중하다|重- | |
-|36659|짜하다| | | +|36659|짜하다| |widespread, well aired (rumor) 
-|38842|거하다01| | |+|38842|거하다01| |steep, lofty(elevado, majestuoso) (mountain); thick, dense, luxuriant (trees) |r
 |38882|건하다02|乾- | | |38882|건하다02|乾- | |
 |41248|난하다01|亂- | | |41248|난하다01|亂- | |
-|43169|뚝하다| | |+|43169|뚝하다| |‘뚝뚝하다’의 준말: hard, rigid; harsh, rude, blunt |
 |44690|박하다|薄- | | |44690|박하다|薄- | |
-|45234|번하다| | | +|45234|번하다| |clear, evident, obvious, transparent; free, at leisure 
-|45305|벙하다| | |+|45305|벙하다| |얼빠진(dazed, stunned) 사람처럼 멍하다 |
 |45846|부하다|富- | | |45846|부하다|富- | |
-|46451|뻥하다| | | +|46451|뻥하다| |얼빠진 사람처럼 멍하다. ‘벙하다’보다 센 느낌을 준다 
-|47557|섭하다| | |+|47557|섭하다| |‘섭섭하다1’의 잘못: sorry, disappointed, regretable |
 |53352|정하다05|精- | | |53352|정하다05|精- | |
 |53883|준하다01|峻- | | |53883|준하다01|峻- | |
 |55756|쿨하다|cool- | | |55756|쿨하다|cool- | |
korean/monosyllabic_hada_adjectives.1318996354.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/10/19 03:52 by monkeypuzzle