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Native Korean nouns


488바다 sea
2079물속 in the water, under water
3234물결 wave, tide
3593얼음01 ice
4701빗물 rainwater
4740찬물01 cold water
5657이슬 dew, dewdrop
5754바닷물 seawater
6533개울 brook, small stream, creek
6970김01~이 서리다steam
7772물줄기 stream, current; spout, squirt of water
7862우물01 (water) well
9023개울가 brook
9080냇물 stream, brook, creek
9143밀물01 rising tide
10033물방울 waterdrop
10475도랑01 ditch, gutter (zanja, acequia, canaleta)
10613소금물 salt water
11115물살 the force of flowing water
12467못03연못pond, pool
12573샘02~이 솟다spring, fountain
12729옹달샘 small spring (fountain)
13544썰물 ebb (reflujo de la marea)
13578얼음물 ice water
14338물길01 a waterway, a watercourse
14339물소리 the sound of flowing water
15522물꼬 a sluice, an irrigation gate
15678샘물 spring water
16698더운물 hot water
16837물뿌리개 a watering pot, a watering can
17174시냇물 the water of a brook
17988개울물 stream water
18373두레박 a (well) bucket
18507물밑 the bottom of the water
18508물보라 spray (of water), a splash
19180윗물 the water of the upper stream

Building a house

1327바닥01 floor, ground; area, place; field, business
2441마루03~를 닦다(wooden) floor
2478지붕 roof
3719칸01 room, chamber
4370울타리 fence; hedge; enclosure
5739담01~을 쌓다wall; fence
6695처마01 the eaves (alero)
7017벽돌 brick
9946기와01 roof tile
12016이엉 straw thatch (techo de paja, quincha)
12451마룻바닥 the floor
15687서까래 (common) rafter (viga del techo)
18355돌담01 stone fence (wall)


49집01 house
5532이웃집 a neighbouring house
6107옆집 neighboring house
11020기와집 tile-roofed house
11430집터 house site; housing lot
13605옛집 one's old home
13816집구석 house, the interior of a house
14580시골집 country house
14625앞집 the house in front
15676새집01새로 만든 집new house
17009빈집 vacant house, unoccupied house
17495작은집 one son's house; the house of one's concubine
18760살림집 a private home

Clothes and accesories

530옷01 clothes
2199신발 shoes, footwear
2348주머니 pocket; bag
2457치마01 skirt
2627바지01 pants, trousers
3201저고리01 jeogori, Korean traditional jacket
3217구두01 shoes
3502차림 dress, attire
3998소매01 sleeve
4630옷차림 dress, attire
5122속옷 underwear
5462기저귀 diaper
6400띠01band, belt, sash
7469깃03옷깃collar, neckband/ (litter/feather)
7584옷가지 pieces of clothing; (several) garments
8196자락01 skirt, train (=cola)
8650갓01~을 쓰다gat, Korean traditional hat made of bamboo and horsehair
9534두루마기 durumagi, traditional Korean overcoat
9911고무신 rubber shoes
10505목걸이01 necklace
12215허리띠 belt, waistband
12253감투01 a horsehair cap formerly worn by gentry or officials; a government post
12414댕기 pigtail ribbon
12728옷깃 collar; neckband
12760윗옷 coat; upper garment
13242동정01 dongjeong , thin white cloth-covered paper collar for Korean traditional clothes
13305무01윗옷의 일부armpit gusset (entretela)
14011흰옷 white clothes
14121귀고리 an earring
14534섶02옷섶outer collar of a coat
14990팔찌 bracelet
15351누더기 rags, ragged clothes
15465마름질 cutting out (clothes)
15636빨랫줄 a clothesline, a washline
15675샅바 satba, thigh band (like the ones used by sumo wrestlers)
15810앞자락 the front part (of a garment)
15811앞치마 apron
15897옷고름 a breast-tie[breast ribbon] (of a Korean coat), a coat string
18543바짓가랑이 a trouser leg
18589배래02 the belly of a fish; the lower part of a sleeve, 한복 소매 아래쪽에 물고기의 배처럼 불룩하게 둥글린 부분
18941신01~을 신다shoes
19105오지랖 the front of an outer garment
19115옷걸이 a coat hanger
19157웃옷 an outer garment
19542철릭 무관이 입던 공복(公服)
19599치맛자락 the hem of a skirt (dobladillo, basta)
19787허리춤 inside the waist of one's trousers
19848활시위 bowstring

Clothes design and treatment

3277무늬 pattern, design
8171옷감 cloth, material
8219줄무늬 striped pattern
10521물02옷감에 ~을 들이다dye, color
13537실밥01 seam (costura), thread, stitch (puntada)
14355바느질 needlework; sewing
16607꽃무늬 floral pattern, floral design
16841물집01 a dyehouse, a dye shop
19726푸새01 starching (clothes)


189 life; living; existence
1973목숨 life
8528저승 the next world, afterlife
13677이승01 this life, this world


1213집안01 home, family, household
3534살림01 housekeeping; living, livelihood
4468집안일 housework
6820살림살이 housekeeping, household
11737맞벌이 working together; joint bread-winning (of husband and wife)


2632빨래 laundry, wash
6608비누 soap
9524대야01 basin, washbasin
10958걸레01 floorcloth, mop
11185빗자루 broom
12213행주01 dishcloth, 그릇, 밥상 따위를 닦거나 씻는 데 쓰는 헝겊.
13247뒷간 a lavatory; a water closet
14556수세미01 loofah (vegetable sponge)
18011걸레질 wiping with a damp cloth

Elder people

536할머니 grandmother
682할아버지 grandfather
8877웃어른 senior citizen; one's elder
10004마나님 elderly lady, old woman
11676늙은이 old person; senior citizen
19761할아비 할아범 an old aged man

Husband and wife

408아내01 wife
887사내01 man, male; husband
3316마누라01 one's wife
5919사나이 man
13464선01 meeting with a prospective marriage partner
14895집사람 wife
15122각시 a wife, a bride
15191계집 a woman; one's wife

Mum and dad

106어머니01 mother
153아버지 father
240엄마 mom, mummy
379아빠 dad, daddy
2870아버님 one's father
2902어머님 (my) dear mother
5782아비01 a father
9416홀아비 widower; single father
11292엄니02 ‘어머니1’의 방언(경기, 경남, 전남, 충남).
13020홀어머니 widow; single mother

Aunts and uncles, adults, middle-aged people

616아저씨 middle-aged man, mister
653어른01 adult, grown-up
1743아주머니 aunt; middle-aged woman; ma'am
2419아줌마 auntie
7573아낙네 a woman
12048작은아버지 an uncle; a younger brother of one's father
14960큰아버지 an uncle; the elder brother of one's father
17256어르신 father; elder, sir

Ladies and gentlemen

2474아가씨 young lady, miss
4138아씨 a married lady
6987도련님 young gentleman; Young Master; younger brother-in-law
10591색시01 unmarried woman; maiden; bride; waitress, barmaid

Brothers and sisters

497언니 elder sister
602동생01 one's younger brother (sister)
1000오빠 one's elder brother
1140누나01 elder sister
5449겨레01 offspring of the same forefather; brothers; fellow countrymen; a race; a nation
6564누이01 sister
7075오누이 brother and sisters; siblings
7855오라범 a woman's elder brother
8151아우01 a man's younger brother; a woman's younger sister
10165오라버니 a woman's elder brother
14680올케01 the wife of a girl's brother; a girl's sister-in-law
14792작은언니 one's second older sister
14961큰오빠 a girl's eldest brother
16657누님 an elder sister
19624큰언니 one's elder sister

Sons and daughters

625딸01 daughter
2923며느리 daughter-in-law
4702사위01 son-in-law
4835조카 nephew, niece
7500딸아이 daughter
10295큰아들 one's eldest son
11502핏줄 a blood vessel/lineage, descent
11734맏딸 the eldest daughter, the first daughter
12734외동딸 only daughter; only child
13253딸년 a daughter
13623외아들 only son, only child
15792아들딸 son(s) and daughter(s)
16252큰딸 one's eldest daughter
17751큰아이 the eldest child
18426막내딸 the youngest daughter
19302작은아들 one's younger son

Babies, children, youngsters

96아이01 child, kid
295아들 son; boy
315애02아이child, kid
615아기01 baby, infant
802어린이01 child, kid
1255젊은이 young person; the young
4084어린아이 child
4624어린애 a child
5454계집애 a girl, a gal
7799사내아이 a boy
10977계집아이 a girl
12688어린것 a little one, a youngster
13749젖먹이 newborn baby, infant
14027갓난아기 newborn baby
18973아가01 baby, infant

People by occupation

2132스승01 teacher, master
2338선비01 a classical scholar
2471뱃사람 sailor
2900스님 Buddhist monk
4097임금01 king
5173거지01 beggar
6128장수01 seller, merchant, trader
6194나그네 traveler, drifter, wanderer
6289일꾼 worker, hand laborer
6683종03 slave, servant
9319장사꾼 trader, dealer, shopkeeper
10048뱃놈 sailor, seaman
10500머슴 farmhand, farm servant
10511무당01 shaman, medium, exorcist
10996광대02 entertainer; performer; clown; acrobat
11407중01 Buddhist monk
11614구경꾼 spectator, onlooker, audience
14879지게꾼 an A-frame coolie, a burden carrier
15040한통속 partisans, fellow adherents (conspirators)
15501몸종 handmaid (slave girl); maid
16541구두닦이 a shoeblack (lustrín)
18321대장장이 blacksmith

Strange guys

2680바보 fool, moron
4052도둑01 thief
4407꼬마 very small man; dwarf; kid
4671곰03 bear/slow-witted person
8062멍텅구리 stupid person
8678구두쇠 miser, stingy fellow, scrooge
12510벙어리 a mute
13287멋쟁이01 a dandy, a gallant, a smart dresser
15399도둑놈01 a thief
15739술꾼 a heavy drinker
16797멍청이 fool, idiot
17504장님 a blind person
17543절름발이 person with a limp; a lame person; a cripple
17984개구쟁이 mischievous boy
18004거짓말쟁이 liar
18495문둥이 leper
18531미친놈 a crazy guy, a screwball
18540바람둥이 womanizer, licentious man


12사람 person
360남01 others, other people; stranger
367혼자01 one person; alone, by oneself
902손님 visitor, guest; customer
951이웃 neighborhood; neighbor
1989나03 I, me, myself
4269막내 the youngest
4684동무01 companion; friend; buddy
5908벗02친구friend, buddy
7836아랫사람 one's junior; one's subordinate
10184윗사람 one's elder; one's superior
10202임금님 Your Majesty; His Majesty
11706둘이 two people; couple; pair
12450마님 the wife of a nobleman; Madam
13174나리01 your honor, sir, Your Highness
14771임01 one's beloved; one's love
16651놈01 fellow; chap; boy
16778맏이 the eldest child; seniority, being older
16843뭇사람 the people, the public
18293단둘 only two persons
18596배재기 a pregnant woman


3555하느님 God
4188넋01 soul; spirit; ghost
5083굿01 exorcism
6390도깨비 goblin; spook; monster
8605하나님 God
11658내림굿 an invocatory rite of a would-be (spiritualistic) medium
17588주04구세주 (主)the Savior, the Messiah, 구세주(救世主)
17833하늘나라 (the kingdom of) Heaven

The ears

840귀01 ear
7709귀퉁이 root of the ear; corner, angle
8685귓속 the inside of the ear; the inner ear
9482귓바퀴 earflap; auricle
12328귓불01 earlobe
15265귀청01 eardrum, tympanum
16567귓가 rim of the ear
18134귓전 rim of the ear

The nose

1335코01 nose
8248코끝 the tip of the nose
10837코앞 under one's very nose
12944콧등 the bridge of the nose
14955콧대 the bridge of the nose
19619코밑 코밑에 under the nose
19620콧날 the ridge of the nose

The eyes

2075눈빛01~이 매섭다eyes; the color of one's eyes; the look of one's eyes
3030눈썹 eyebrow
6565눈가 eye rims; parts around the eye
10457눈알 eyeball
11038눈자위 the eyeball area
11886속눈썹 eyelashes
13203눈꺼풀 eyelid
13204눈두덩 the brow
13206눈시울 the edge of an eyelid, the eye rims
16661눈물샘 lachrymal gland
18200꺼풀01 skin, coat, film ¶ 외꺼풀 single eyelid; 쌍꺼풀 double eyelid
18279눈망울 eye, eyeball

The mouth, the jaw

338 mouth
1679입술 lips
2260혀01 tongue
3252턱01신체chin, jaw
6117이빨 tooth, teeth
7888입가 the sides of the mouth
13696입속 in the mouth
18975아랫입술 lower lip
19024어금니 molar, back tooth, grinder
19640턱뼈 jawbone, maxilla

The head, the face

157얼굴01 face
288머리01 head; hair
403고개01~를 돌리다head/mountain pass (5857)
2476이마01 forehead
3532 cheek
9990뒤통수 back of the head, occipital region
10060보조개 dimple (hoyuelo)
11077뒷머리 back hair; back of the head
11674눈살01 the furrows (wrinkles) between the eyebrows
12456머리끝 the ends of one's hair; the crown of the head
14215대머리01 bald head
15231광대뼈 cheekbone
15482머리통 the size of one's head
17436이맛살 wrinkles in the forehead
18059골통01 the head; the skull
19511짱구 bulging head, protruding head; 蠟筆小新

The neck, the throat

1230목01 neck; throat
6403멱살 throat, collar
7001목덜미 nape, back of one's neck (nuca, cogote)
7510멱01~을 따다throat, gullet ¶ ~을 따다 cut a person's throat
8743목청01 vocal chords; one's voice
10506목구멍 throat
13300목젖 uvula
18329덜미01 the scruff of the neck (pescuezo)
18382뒷목02 ‘목덜미(목의 뒤쪽 부분과 그 아래 근처)’의 방언
18465모가지01 neck


288머리01 head; hair
3057 hair; fur
3983머리카락 a hair
5610머리칼 a hair (of one's head)
7545상투01 topknot (of hair)
11077뒷머리 back hair; back of the head
12456머리끝 the ends of one's hair; the crown of the head
14299머리채 a long tress of hair
14300머리털 hair
14548솜털 downy hair; fine soft hair
15809앞머리 forelock, bangs, fringe
18102구레나룻 sideburns (patillas), whiskers, sideboards

Hands and arms

957팔01 arm
1273손가락 finger
2699주먹 fist; punch
2773손바닥 palm (of the hand)
4708손톱01 fingernail
5123손목 wrist
5651오른손 right hand
6649왼손 left hand
6830손등01 the back of one's hand
7815손아귀 one's grasp
8161엄지손가락 thumb
8548줌01 a fist, a handful, a grip, a grasp,‘주먹(1. 손가락을 모두 오므려 쥔 손)’의 준말
8811손뼉 the flat of the hand
9387팔뚝 forearm
10114손놀림 a way of using one's hands
12183팔꿈치 elbow
13281맨손 bare hands, empty hands
15634빈손 empty hands
15886오른팔 right arm
16292팔목01 wrist
18780새끼손가락 a little finger
18858손안 수중1(手中)(1. 손의 안).
19502집게손가락 the index finger

Legs and feet

564발01신체의 일부foot
747다리01신체leg /(bridge)
1637무릎 knee; lap
4602발가락 toe
5211발목01 ankle
7521발끝 tiptoe
7776발등 top side of the foot
7860왼발 left foot
8169오른발 right foot
9145발바닥 sole of one's foot
9146발톱 toenail; claw
10533발뒤꿈치 the heel
11739맨발 bare foot
13006허벅지 thigh (muslo)
15435뒤꿈치 heel
16884발밑 at one's feet, close to one's feet
17271엄지발가락 a big toe
korean/native_korean_nouns_3.txt · Last modified: 2011/11/27 22:26 by monkeypuzzle