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Native Korean nouns


2278낚시 fishing
9062그물01 net
9075낚싯대 fishing rod
9505낚시꾼 fisherman, angler
9506낚싯줄 fishing line
10441낚시터 fishing place
15308낚싯바늘 fishhook
16484고기잡이 fishing
16861바다낚시 sea fishing

Games, playing, sports

1177놀이01 play; game
5374씨름 ssireum, Korean wrestling; a struggle
6879장난감 toy
8374바둑 the game of go
12373내기01 bet; gambling
12479미끄럼틀 a slide (for playing)
12882줄넘기 rope skipping, rope jumping
13678이어달리기 relay (race)
13779줄다리기 tug-of-war
14187놀음 play, merrymaking, amusement
15338노름01 gambling
15456뜀틀 vaulting horse (potro para gimnasia)
15523물장난 dabbling with water, playing with water
18062공놀이 play ball
18137그네02 swing; trapeze
18504물놀이02 dabbling in water
18517미끄럼 slide (for playing); sliding, slipping
19695팽이01 a top (trompo)

Acts, deeds, matters, work

29일01 work; business; event; matter
1525짓01 act, deed
2020노릇01 job, work; part, role
2220장사01 business, commerce, trade
2245큰일01중대한 일a great thing; a serious task
6095심부름 errand
6122일손 a hand, a worker; help, assistance
6289일꾼 worker, hand laborer
6603볼일 business; something to do
7884일자리 employment, job, work
9743일터 workplace; workshop
10500머슴 farmhand, farm servant
12793일거리 work; job; business; task
12857제구실 one's function, one's duty; the usual epidemic diseases every child has to go through
15469막일 manual labor; rough work
16620날품팔이 day laborer; casual laborer; daily employment; day-to-day engagement
18537바깥일 outdoor work; the job of one's husband; the affairs in the world
19729품02~이 많이 들다trouble, labor, work

Trade and money

140돈01 money
402얼마 some price, some amount; a while, some length of time
788 price; value; worth
2220장사01 business, commerce, trade
3813 debt; loan
4045구실01 duty, obligation; taxes
6128장수01 seller, merchant, trader
7292싸구려 cheap stuff; bargain; inferior article
8146싼값 cheap price, low price
9111땅값 price of land
9255어음01 bill, draft, note, check
9319장사꾼 trader, dealer, shopkeeper
9712외상01 credit, trust ¶ ~으로 팔다 sell in credit
10507목돈 large sum of money, sizable amount of money
11940알뜰 알뜰하다 thrifty, frugal; careful, earnest
12395단돈 a small amount of money
12950큰돈 fortune, large sum of money
13236돈벌이 moneymaking, earn money
13337밑천 capital, fund, seed money
14396벌이 income, earnings
14566술값 money paid for drinks
14606씀씀이 expense, expenditure
15112흥정 bargain; buying and selling; purchase and sale; haggle
15175검은돈01 black money, tainted money
15416돈줄 patron, financial backer
15500몸값 ramsom, price of redemption
15906외상값 a bill, an account
16894밥값 the price for a meal; food expenses
17210쌀값 the price of rice
17999거스름돈 change (give the change)
18572밥줄 means of livelihood, source of income
19731품삯 wages for labor

Man made, tangible things

1530가방01~을 메다bag
2109거울01 mirror
2524바늘 needle, pin
3233무덤 grave, tomb
3745못01~을 박다nail, spike/(callus)
4143열쇠 key
4174화살01 arrow
5488바구니 basket
5492방울02~이 울리다a bell/a drop(5213)
5714고리01 ring, loop
6086쇠01 iron, metal; lock, key; compass
6954고무01~줄elastic cord, rubber band
7274서랍 drawer
7680휘파람 whistle
7789부채01 fan, folding fan
8165연장01 instrument, tool
8739맷돌 millstone
8792삽01 shovel, spade
8991허수아비 scarecrow
9040고삐01 bridle, reins
9120말뚝 stake, post, pile, picket
9176사슬01 chain
9367체01 sieve, sifter, strainer (tamiz, cedazo, cernidor)
9451고무줄 elastic cord; rubber band
9644소쿠리 (bamboo, wicker) basket
9753장승 jangseung, Korean traditional totem pole at the village entrance
9927광주리01 basket
10304톱01 a saw
10416굴뚝 chimney, funnel
10660아궁이 furnace, fireplace
10845톱니 sawtooth; cogwheel
11350자물쇠 lock; padlock
11421지우개 eraser
11684단추01 button
12054장도리01 hammer
12059재떨이 ashtray
12227횃불 torch, torchlight
12421도끼01 axe
12455망치01 hammer
13043가마04가마니straw bag
13183낫01 sickle, scythe
13417빗장 a bolt (pestillo, cerrojo), a crossbar, a latch
13722쟁기01 plow, plough (arado)
13728전기난로 electric heater
14082곱자 a carpenter's square; a metal foot-measure
14308모깃불 a smudge; a mosquito-fumigator
14535세간01 household goods; furniture
15786쐐기02물건wedge (cuña)
16175집게01 tongs, pincers
16246칼집02칼로 낸 상처sheath (funda, vaina)
16527괭이01 hoe, mattock (azadón)
16695대패01 a plane (cepillo de carpintero)
16716돋보기 magnifying glass; reading glass
16812모루 an anvil (yunque)
17019사다리 ladder
17086선반01 shelf, rack
17127송곳 awl (punzón), gilmet, ice pick
17616지레01 lever, crowbar
17918활01 bow (to shoot arrows)
18001거적때기 a piece of straw mat
18307 anchor
18866쇠사슬 chain, iron chain
19473지렛대 lever
19557쳇바퀴 the rim of a sieve, the frame of a sieve (Google Images: rueda de hamster)
19633탈01 a mask
19647톱니바퀴 a toothed wheel
19828홍두깨 wooden roller used in smoothing cloth


462배02~를 띄우다boat, ship
5615바퀴01수레 ~wheel; round, turn, rotation
8125수레01 wagon, cart, carriage
8941지게01 Korean A-frame; carrying rack
9953나룻배 ferryboat, ferry
15785썰매 sled, sledge
18213나루터 a ferry
18857손수레 handcart, pushcart
19501짐칸 overhead compartment, trunk

Sticks, rods, canes; whips and strings

1205줄01~로 감다string, rope
4496끈01 string, cord; influence, connection
5476매01~를 맞다whip, rod, lash
7504막대01 stick, rod
7766몽둥이 stick, club
9627새끼01~줄straw (rope)
11209새끼줄 straw rope
11730막대기01 stick, rod, bar
11781밧줄 rope, line, cord
13350방망이01 bat, club, stick
13840채찍 whip; lash; rod; cane
14790작대기 stick, rod
14884지팡이 (walking) stick, cane
16382회초리 whip; cane
16725동아줄 a rope


9156벼슬01관직government post; official rank
12253감투01 a horsehair cap formerly worn by gentry or officials; a government post
18131귀양01 exile
18212나랏일 국사5(國事)

Power, skill

224힘01 strength; energy; power
2339솜씨 skill, dexterity
2822기운01 energy, vitality, vigor, strength; indication, sign
5396재주01 talent; skill
7045수02방법means, possibility, way
18859손재주 dexterity
19135용01 한꺼번에 모아서 내는 센 힘

Help, support, backing

714도움 help, aid
2436그늘 shade; protection, care
3855기둥01 pillar, column; support, prop
5771손길 an outstretched hand, a helping hand
6122일손 a hand, a worker; help, assistance
7013받침 support, prop; final consonant
10061보탬 help, aid, support
11710뒷받침 backing; support; guarantee; proof
12437뒷바라지01 looking after, taking care of
16717돌기둥 a stone pillar (column)
18759살대02 a temporary support to keep a house upright; a prop; a stay
18937시중01 attendance, waiting on, care, service

Trouble, annoyance, pain

1371잘못 mistake
1384싸움 fight, quarrel
1455어려움 hardship, difficulty, trouble
2361아픔 pain
2538짐01 load, burden; luggage
3663짜증 irritation, annoyance
3910괴로움 pain; suffering; agony
4291애01~가 타다worry; troubles
4355신세02~를 망치다 (身世/身勢)trouble; one's condition; burden ¶ ~를 망치다 ruin one's life
4689말썽 trouble; difficulties; complaint; criticism; dispute
5087다툼 controversy; quarrel; struggle; competition
6181골치01 trouble, nuisance, headache
7816수고01 trouble, effort, pains
8835안간힘 restraining, holding back; great effort
9228신세01~를 지다 (身世)trouble, burden; favor, kindness; debt of gratitude, obligation
9442걸림돌 obstacle, hindrance
11102몸부림 writhing, squirming, violent struggle
17879허물02~을 용서하다fault, flaw, mistake/(skin)
18058골머리 brain ¶ 골머리 아픈 일 headache, source of worry
18929시달림 괴로움이나 성가심을 당하는 일
19794헛수고 vain attempt ,fruitless effort

Remainders, signs, dirt, defects

1046쓰레기 trash, waste, litter
1290나머지 the rest, the remainder
5148찌꺼기 residue; sediment; scraps
5379엉망 wreck; mess; ruin
5475때02더러운 물질dirt, filth
6876자취01 remain, trace, vestige, tracks
7889자국01 mark; stain; impression; trace, track
10354흉01 scar; fault, flaw
10431기척01 sign, indication, trace, hint
10471더러움 dirt, stain
11051담배꽁초 half-smoked cigarette, cigarette butt
11290얼룩 stain, smear, spot, speckle
12597손때01 dirt from the hands; thumb marks
13937피투성이 피투성이의 bloodstained
13967헝겊 a piece of cloth; patch; scrap
14153꽁초 cigarette butt
14623앙금01 sediment, deposit, dregs
16890발자취 trace, footprint; course of one's life
17368웅덩이 (rain) puddle
18657부스러기 fragments, crumbs, scraps
19296자투리 remnants of cloth, odd ends (of yardage)
19673티01먼지mote, dust, particle; flaw, speck, spot
19872흉터 scar
19877흙투성이 being covered all over with mud

Quantities, more, less, whatever

242하나 one
663조금01 some, a little
708모두01 all, everyone, everything
1464아무것 anything
3428웬일 what, what matter
3700여럿 many, a large number
3725갖가지 various kinds
5656이것저것 this and that, one thing and another
6335하나하나 one by one
9385통째 whole, altogether
12831저마다 each one, everyone
14754이쪽저쪽 this way and that
16573그만큼 that much, to that extent
17220아무거 ‘아무것’을 구어(口語)적으로 이르는 말
19230이만저만 in no small degree, in no small number ¶ 이만저만 귀찮지 않다 be no small trouble
19240이쯤 이만큼
19332저만치 저만큼
19512쪼금 ‘조금1(1. 적은 정도나 분량)’의 센말.

Beginning, end, sequence

112다음01 next, following
184처음 beggining, start; first
333끝01 end, finish
626마지막 the last; the end
1018나중01 the latter part; the future; the end
2852그다음 the next; the following
3282비롯 비롯하다 begin, start
3740마무리 finish, completion, wrap up
4220앞뒤 the front and the rear; order, sequence; coherence; consequences
9296이다음 next
9668실마리 end of a thread; beginning, first step; clue, lead
11087막바지 end; extremity; last stage; climax
11725마감01 conclusion, termination, end, close
12134첫머리 head, opening, beginning, outset
13284먼저 first
13562앞장01 lead, head, pioneer, vanguard
14158끄트머리 end, tip, edge; beginning, clue
14915첫걸음 first step, initial step
15436뒤끝 conclusion, end; settlement, decision; aftereffect
15479매듭 a knot; conclusion, end
15714셋째 the third
16613끝장 end, close, conclusion, termination
17682첫발 first step, initial step
18201꼴찌 the last, the bottom, the tail
18209끝머리 the end, a tip, the tail end
19546첫선 the first appearance, a debut
19547첫째 first

Groups, bunches, clusters, parts and bits

1917 share, portion
2798떼01양 ~group, herd, flock
3049조각01 piece; bit; slice; cut; chop
3403덩어리 lump, mass, clump, cluster, clod, flock
3468무리01 group; crowd
3725갖가지 various kinds
3920동아리02 group, club/(part)
4568토막01 piece, bit
4597또래 peer (group); same age group
4857가닥 piece, strip, strand (of cord)
6053무더기 pile, heap
6085송이01꽃 한 ~bunch, cluster
6208더미01 a heap, a pile
6646올01~이 굵다strand, ply (of hair, of thread)
7213덩이 lump, mass, clod
8611한몫 share, portion
10437꾸러미 pack, bunch, bundle, package
11041다발01 bundle, bunch
11117뭉치 bundle, bunch, roll
11720뙈기01 piece, section (of a field, paddy); sheet, mat
12394단01짚 한 ~bundle, bunch
12939칸막이 partition, division; divider, screen
15304나부랭이 pieces, bits
15514묶음 bundle, bunch
16285티끌 dust, mote; tiny bit
17341외마디 a single sound, a single cry; a single piece, a single section

Sizes, measures and value

402얼마 some price, some amount; a while, some length of time
788 price; value; worth
1054크기 size, dimensions
1283길이01 length/(for a long time)
2210높이01 height
2442무게 weight
3095품01옷이 ~이 크다width (of a coat); bosom, breast
3224깊이01 depth
3230더위 heat, warmth
3504추위01 coldness, cold
5099두께01 thickness
6395둘레 circumference, girth, perimeter
7239몸무게 weight
8146싼값 cheap price, low price
8520자01 Korean foot; ruler; triangle; square
8914저울01 a balance, a pair of scales
9014가로01~와 세로width (세로 height)
9111땅값 price of land
10070부피 volume, bulk, size
10105세로01 length; height
10255지름02 diameter; distance accross
11031넓이 width; breadth; area; extent
12050잣대 standard, criterion, yardstick
12382너비01 width; breadth
17524저울질 weighing

Cause and effect

954까닭 reason, cause, grounds
1226 fault, blame; reason, ground
2682보람 effect, fruit, result; indication, sign, mark
6845영문01 reason, cause; circumstances, matter
9502꼬투리01 the unusable refuse of tobacco leaves; pod, legume, hull, shell; cause, reason, beginning
10074불씨01 embers (brasas, ascuas); cause, source

Things among things

545마찬가지 the same; sameness
1340스스로 oneself
1610서로01 each other, mutual
1622짝01~이 맞다pair, mate, companion
11716딴판 complete difference, dissimilarity
16336한가지 the same; a kind, a sort

Names of actions

906모임01 meeting, gathering
985죽음01 death
1409흐름 flowing; flow, stream
2233마련 preparation; provision; arrangement
2572만남 meeting
2884가르침 teaching, lesson; guidance
2924믿음 trust; faith; belief
3384흉내 imitation, mimicry, impersonation
4707손질 repair; care; trimming; correction
6426사냥 hunting, hunt
6435설거지 dish-washing, washing up
6559나들이01 trip, excursion, go out
8736마중01 meeting, reception, going out to meet
9220시늉 imitation, mimicry; pretense, simulation
9803채비 preparation, arrangement
11067도둑질 theft, stealing
11774박살01 shatter; smash; crush; beat
13889톱질 sawing
14192늑장01 늑장부리다 dawdle, linger, loiter (entretenerse, holgazanear)
16408가지치기 pruning (the roses)
16507곱셈 multiplication
18211나눗셈 division
18784새장가 남자가 새로 하는 결혼

Names of states

1455어려움 hardship, difficulty, trouble
1475어둠 darkness
4717외로움 loneliness
4755가뭄 drought
5071가난01 poverty
5808젊음 youth, youthfulness
13142굶주림 hunger, starvation
17569제자리걸음 standstill, stalemate

Concrete, hard to classify

4338뚜껑 cover; cap; lid
5714고리01 ring, loop
5973주름01 wrinkle, crease
7281손잡이 handle, knob, grip
8546주름살 wrinkles
8718동그라미 circle, ring
11349자루02손잡이handle, grip, shaft
15565방아쇠 trigger (of a gun)
19643테01 rim, frame; hoop; band

Concrete words with metaphorical meanings

1617마당 yard, garden/instance, case
2124가지01~를 치다branch; kind, sort/(eggplant)
2325줄기01 stem, stalk; stream, course; ray, beam
2436그늘 shade; protection, care
3855기둥01 pillar, column; support, prop
4496끈01 string, cord; influence, connection
5857고개02~ 너머a mountain pass; an uphill road; a critical moment; a culmination/head (403)
7044손끝 tip of the finger; manual dexterity
7198길잡이 guidepost, signpost; guideline, guiding principle
7726낯01 face, visage, looks; honor
8371미끼01 bait; decoy, lure
9668실마리 end of a thread; beginning, first step; clue, lead
11006굴레01 bridle, halter; restriction, restraint
12253감투01 a horsehair cap formerly worn by gentry or officials; a government post
12582서슬01 the sharpness of a blade; impetuosity
12995한숨01잠 ~ 못 자다a breath; a rest, a pause/(a sigh)
13336밑거름 manure given at sowing time; foundation

Abstract, polysemic, hard to classify

1005바탕01 nature, disposition; foundation, basis; background, ground
1405틀01 frame; framework; mold; cast; shape, outline; formality; machine, device
2396정작01 a real fact, truth, reality
6258소용돌이 whirlpool, eddy, vortex
7172 layer; fold; ply
7304엉터리 a fake, a sham (farsa, timo); ground, foundation; framework, layout
7467기틀 key point; crux (of a matter); base; foundation
8268한판01 game; round; event
8517임자01 owner, possessor, proprietor
9073꼭지01 knob, handle, faucet; stem, stalk; bunch, bundle
9082단골01 custom, connection, patronage; regular customer, frequenter
9091대01줄기stem, stalk, pipe, cane; a smoke, a puff; a blow, a stroke, a punch
9502꼬투리01 the unusable refuse of tobacco leaves; pod, legume, hull, shell; cause, reason, beginning
9798짜임새 weave; organization; structure; texture
10267차지01 occupancy; occupation; possession
10435껍데기 skin, shell, husk
11066 trap, snare, hook
11861새것 new thing
11935쓸모 usefulness, utility; merit, value
12521볼거리01 spectacle, attraction/(the mumps (paperas))
12662쓰임새 a use
13052갈피01 point, sense (of an argument); a space between layers, interval, interstice
13244되풀이01 repetition, reiteration
13500손가락질 pointing a finger at someone
13835참01 truth, reality
14463빈자리 empty seat; vacancy, opening
16512과녁 target; mark
17118속내 the inside; inner workings; intention
17332올가미01 trap, snare
17412으뜸 the best, the top, the head, the first; the basis, the foundation, the core
17435이리03 this way, like this; this way, here; 이곳으로. 또는 이쪽으로
18695붙박이 a fixture, a fixed article; built-in
19509짜임 being put together; formation, composition
korean/native_korean_nouns_5.txt · Last modified: 2011/11/27 22:24 by monkeypuzzle