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Native Korean nouns

Places (relative positions)

60속01 the inside, interior
64 the front
87뒤01 the back, the rear
118안01집 ~the inside, the interior
122위01~아래the top
257 the outside, the exterior
264가운데 center, the middle
444 the side, the flank
453아래01 bottom, foot
652밑01 the bottom
1586곁01 side
1822왼쪽 the left
1897오른쪽 the right (side)
2231너머 beyond, over, the opposite side
2626바깥 the outside, the open
2759겉01 the surface, the outside
3362안쪽 the inside, the interior
3381한가운데 the very middle, the center, the heart
3560가까이 nearby, close to; just before, shortly before
3796꼭대기 top, apex, summit; boss, leader
4220앞뒤 the front and the rear; order, sequence; coherence; consequences
4445안팎 inside and outside, interior and exterior
4512밑바닥 the bottom; the base
5038옆구리 side, flank
5100뒤쪽01 back, the rear
5904바깥쪽 the outside, the exterior
7059아래쪽 downward direction
7086위쪽 the upper direction, the upper side
7419한복판 the middle, the center, the heart
7838앞쪽 the front; the head
7984건너01 the opposite side
9724위아래 up and down; upside down
10662아랫면 lower surface
10953거의01 almost, nearly
12484밑동 the lower part, the bottom
14253뒷전01 the back, the rear
18002거죽 the surface, the exterior, the face
178사이01 gap, space; interval; relationship, relations; connections
1955틈01 crack, gap; spare time; chance, opportunity
2055구멍 hole, pit; loophole, loss; way out
3117새01사이gap, space; interval; relationship, relations; connections
9615사이사이 spaces; every now and then; intervals
9933구덩이 hole, pit, crater
9942금02~을 긋다line; crack, crevice
12554빈칸 blank (space)
14982틈바구니 gap, opening, crevice; narrow space, crowded space; discord, difference
16181짬01 spare time; crack, interstice
16284틈새 crack, gap; chance, opportunity
17779트집 fault, blemish; crack, fissure
18538바늘구멍 a hole made by a needle, a pinhole
19827홈01 groove (ranura)

Corners and edges

2494구석01 corner; remote place; side; angle
4259구석구석 every nook and corner; everywhere
4316테두리 border, edge; limit, boundary
4859가장자리 edge, border
5432한구석 a corner, a nook
5486모퉁이 corner
6371기슭01 the edge (of a river); the foot (of a mountain); the border; the shore
7511모서리01 corner; edge; angle
7709귀퉁이 root of the ear; corner, angle
9688언저리 edge, rim
10933가01우물~edge, brim, verge
11748모03귀퉁이angle; edge

Parts of a whole, sides of a thing

7020봉우리01 mountaintop; peak; summit
7938칼날 blade of a knife, edge of a sword
8158어귀01 entrance; mouth (of a river); mouth (of a harbor); approach (to a tunnel)
8338담벼락 (the surface of) wall
8385뱃전 the sides of a boat
9721우물가 a well side
11030냇가 streamside; riverside
11277앞자리 front seat
12364날02칼~blade, edge (of a knife)
14936추녀01 angle rafter; protuding corners of the eaves
15443등받이 the back of a chair
15521물가01물의 가장자리waterside; shore
16819못가 못의 가장자리
16973부챗살 the ribs of a fan
17240앞줄 the front row

Places and spaces (abstract, generic)

116곳01 place
229자리01공간room, space; seat, place; position, vacancy
1327바닥01 floor, ground; area, place; field, business
1511한쪽 one side
2084여기저기 here and there; everywhere
2589곳곳 here and there; several places
2982터01 site; lot; ground; arena; foundation; ground
4160제자리 the proper place; the original place
4950판01 place, spot; state of affairs; moment, occasion; match, game, round
6161한데01한군데one place, one spot; the same place
6929한곳 one place; the same place
8593터전01 base; site; lot; grounds
9294이곳저곳 here and there
9401한자리 the same place; an important position
11429집집 every door, every house
16337한군데 the same place; one place
17437이모저모 various sides, every face
19130요모조모 every face (of a matter)

Places (concrete)

951이웃 neighborhood; neighbor
1195가게 shop, store
1554밭01 field; farm
1617마당 yard, garden/instance, case
2387술집 a bar, a pub
2510절01사찰Buddhist temple
2797들01 field
4787들판01 field
6218뜰01 yard, garden
7730논밭 farmlands, fields, one's state
7731놀이터 playground
8979풀밭 grassland; meadow
9154벌판 field; plain; prairie; wilderness; moor
9543뜨락 garden, yard (=뜰)
10139아낙 a woman's room; boudoir
10902헛간 shed, barn
11097모래밭 sandy field; sandbox
12315구멍가게 small store
13123광01 storeroom; barn; cellar
13173나루01 (river) port, dock
13248들녘 an open field, a plain
13372보리밭 barley field
13561앞마당 front yard
14608아랫목 the warmer part of an ondol floor; the place of honor
15947윗목 the upper part of an ondol floor, the part of a room farthest from the fireplace
16735뒤뜰 backyard, back garden
16914벌01plain, open field, prairie
17345외양간 barn, stable
18206꽃집 a flower shop
18376뒤란 a backyard
18788샘터 a fountain place (site)
18912쉼터 rest area; shelter
18965싸움터 battlefield
19305잔칫집 a banqueting house
19641텃밭 vegetable garden; kitchen garden

Roads, ways and alleys

173길01도로street, way, path
1258거리01길~road, street
2821골목01 alley, bystreet
4588길가 roadside; wayside
5376앞길01앞에 있는 길the road ahead; the future
6529갈래 fork (of a road); branch; offshoot; faction
6760길거리 street, road
6896지름길 shortcut
7448골목길 alley
8292갈림길 forked road, branch road; turning point, crossroads
8328네거리 intersection, crossroads
8591큰길 main street; main road; highway
9496길목01 street corner; crossroad
9992뒷골목 backstreet, alley
11211샛길 byroad, bystreet
12351길바닥 the surface of a road
13349밤거리 night streets
14072고갯길 an uphill path
16450건널목 crossing; crosswalk; railroad crossing
18237내리막길 a downhill road
18378뒤안길 a back street, a backway
18386들길 a path across a field

Land, earth, geography

181우리나라 my country, our country
226나라01 country; nation; state
321땅01 the earth; land; territory
480마을01 village, town
1038숲01 forest
1480고장01지역region, area; town; home
1539시골 the country; the provinces
1964섬03 island
2959바닷가 beach, shore, coast
3971골짜기01 valley
4201땅속 the ground; underground
4221언덕 hill; rising ground; slope
4786둑01 bank; embankment; dyke
6594벼랑01 cliff, precipice
7033산골01 mountain district; secluded place
7446고을 district, county
8054땅바닥 (bare) ground, the earth
8348동산01작은 산hillock, mound
8457앞바다 offing, open sea (alta mar, mar afuera)
8657갯벌 mud flat (marisma, planicie lodosa)
8703 marsh; swamp; quagmire
9154벌판 field; plain; prairie; wilderness; moor
10951갯가 the shore of an estuary
12259개펄 mud flat (planicie lodosa)
12371낭떠러지 cliff, precipice
14249두메 an out-of-the-way mountain village
14383방죽01 bank, embankment, dyke
15451땅덩어리 a land mass on the earth; a continent
17081서울01 a capital 프랑스의 서울 파리
17995갯골 a ditch on the shore of an inlet
18300달동네 poor hillside village (area)
18514 land, dry land, shore
19318재02~를 넘다a ridge, a mountain pass

Night and day

276밤01어두운 때night
323아침 morning; breakfast
634저녁 evening; dinner
1045새벽01 dawn, dawnbreak
1184 day, daytime
4663하룻밤 one night, single night
5092대낮 daytime; the middle of the day
5378어젯밤 last night
7662하루아침 one morning
7778밤새02 all night long; overnight
7956한낮 midday, noon
8647간밤 last night
8910저녁때 evening
10041밤낮 night and day
11210새벽녘 around dawn; towards dawn
12668아침저녁 morning and evening
15177겨울밤 winter night
15837어제저녁 last (yesterday) evening
16143지난밤 last night
17259어스름 dusk, dawn


766여름01 summer
920겨울 winter
972봄01 spring
1268가을01 fall, autumn
3764여름철 summertime
4945철01계절season, time
6009겨울철 winter
6163한여름 midsummer
9709올여름 this (last) summer
10168올가을 the coming autumn
10329한겨울 midwinter
11040늦가을 late autumn; latter part of autumn
11163봄날 spring day; springtime
11959여름날 summer day
13612올봄 this spring
14416봄철 springtime
16405가을철 fall season

Special days

3588새해 New Year
4704설날 Lunar New Year's Day
6434설01 Lunar New Year's Day
8160어린이날 Children's day
10812첫날밤 wedding night
16335한가위 the Harvest Moon festival
17258어버이날 Parents' Day

The old days

187그때 that time, those days
617옛날 the old times, the past
1832예전01 the old times, the past
3289예01 old times, bygone days
4022지난날 the past; the old times; bygone days
15883옛것 오래된, 옛날의 것
17316옛적 old days
19096옛일 a thing of the past

Recent past

523지난해 last year
1643지난달 last month
2252어제01 yesterday
4356아까 a while ago; a minute ago
19039엊그제 a few days ago
19131요사이 recently

Now, nowadays

310오늘 today
370이제01 now
399요즘 these days, nowadays
548이때 at this time, now
618이날 today; this day
701올해 this year
721오늘날 today; these days
2603요즈음 nowadays; lately
3649요새01 nowadays; recently
4449올02올해this year
10198인제01 now
15985이맘때 about this time; at this time
15992이해01 this year
17263어제오늘 recently, these days

The future

2807이튿날 the next day
5376앞길01앞에 있는 길the road ahead; the future
6286이듬해 next year, following year
11709뒷날 the future; the days to come
12460모레 the day after tomorrow

Counting days

1021며칠 a few days; how many days; which day
2422이틀01시간two days, a couple of days
2994날짜01 date; days
3151사흘 three days; the third day
5493보름01 fifteen days, half month
5523열흘 ten days
10883하루하루 day after day, day by day
11024나흘 four days; the fourth day of the month
13947한나절 half a day
14205닷새 five days; the fifth day of the month

Moments, the meantime, time intervals

19때01시간time, moment
214동안01시간의 길이a space (of time); an interval
402얼마 some price, some amount; a while, some length of time
473그동안 meanwhile, meantime
1283길이01 length/(for a long time)
1420오랫동안 long time
2390오랜만 long time
2516한동안 a fairly long time
2582잠깐 a moment, a little while
4950판01 place, spot; state of affairs; moment, occasion; match, game, round
6108오래간만 a long time since
6754그사이 the meantime, the interval
13191내친김 내친김에 while one is at it
15664삽시간 a moment, an instant
18144그새 meanwhile, meantime
18296단박03 at once, immediately
143날01어느 ~day; weather
361하루01 day
672그날 that day; the very same day
755해01 sun; year
1115달05 the moon; month
1713한때 a while, a time; former days, bygone days; the same time
3199이달01 this month
3664첫날 first day, opening day
3794그해 that year; the year
5784앞날 the day's ahead; one's future/the other day; bygone days
11012그때그때 every time; from time to time
12081제때 appointed time; right occasion
13147그즈음 about that time, in those days
14916첫해 first year
16105제철01 the right season; the suitable time
19242이태01 two years


592비01~가 내리다rain
4701빗물 rainwater
6249비바람 wind and rain, rainy wind
6610빗줄기 rain streak
7278소나기01 shower, passing rain
7605장마01 rainy spell in summer; rainy season
8785빗방울 raindrop
10517무지개 rainbow
15989이슬비 drizzle, light rain
17198실비01 fine (misty) rain
18642봄비 spring rain
18713빗소리 the sound of rain
18714빗속 (in) the midst of rain

Sun and moon

755해01 sun; year
1115달05 the moon; month
2489햇살 sun, sunlight
2949햇빛 sunlight, sunshine
4751햇볕 sun; sunshine; sunlight; sunbeam
6036달빛 moonlight
7711그믐달 waning moon
9581 sunshine; sun
11512해님 the sun
11668노을 sunset; glow of the setting sun; red sky
12400달님 the Moon
13216달밤 a moonlit night

Sky, weather, time

143날01어느 ~day; weather
344하늘01 sky; heaven; God
478바람01~이 불다wind
1291날씨01 weather
1346별01 star
1505눈04~이 내리다snow
2493구름01 cloud
3762안개 fog, mist
4900벼락01 lightning, thunderbolt
5351밤하늘 night sky
5619번개01 lightning, thunderbolt
8333눈발02 streaks of snow; snow flakes
8367무더위 sultriness, hot and humid weather
11215서리03~가 내리다frost
11808봄바람 spring breeze
12901찬바람 cold wind, chilly wind
12913천둥 thunder
13338바닷바람 sea breeze
14190눈보라 snowstorm, blizzard
14272땅거미01 dusk, twilight
14403별빛 starlight
14404별자리 constellation; sign (of the zodiac)
15483먹구름 black clouds
17676천둥소리 a peal of thunder
18570밤안개 night fog
18782새벽빛 the half-light of dawn
18980아지랑이 heat haze, waves of heat
19854회오리 whirlwind, tornado
429나이01 age
1612한참 the distance between two stages; a break, a spell; a stretch (of work), a sitting; a good while
2355대목01시기part, passage; the best season, a rush period
5715고비01죽을 ~the climax; the crest
5894막판 the last round; the final scene; the critical moment
7957한창01 the height; climax; summit; peak
19759한줄기 a streak, a spell (of rain, of hope, of light)

Materials and elements

540나무01 tree; wood
1423종이01 paper
1893기름01 (cooking) oil, fat, grease; gasoline, petrol
2789가루01분필 ~powder; dust; flour
3952천01 cloth; fabric; material
4040거품 bubble; foam
5072가죽01 skin; leather
6086쇠01 iron, metal; lock, key; compass
6157풀01~을 쑤다paste, starch; glue; gum
6261 cotton
6271실01 thread, yarn
6742개비01 a piece of split wood (timber)
6999모시01 ramie fabric, ramie cloth (ramio, Boehmeria nivea)
7286 charcoal
7685거름01 manure, fertilizer
9627새끼01~줄straw (rope)
9974다듬이 cloth to be fulled[smoothed by pounding]
11793베01 hemp cloth (hemp = cáñamo)
12121 straw
12245갈대 reed (caña, junco)
12958통나무 log (tronco, leño)
13132구리02 copper
15130감02재료material, matter
16622납01 lead/wax
16750땔감 fuel, firewood
16834물거품 bubble, foam
18909숯덩이 a lump of charcoal

Rocks, stones, gravel, soil, sand, dust

1715흙01 earth, soil, dirt
2382바위01 rock
2862모래01 sand
2958먼지01 dust
5096돌멩이 stone; pebble
6469자갈01 gravel, pebble
9797징검다리01 stepping stone
10240조약돌 pebble
11750모래알 grain of sand
12113진흙 mud, clay
12806자갈밭 gravel bed
14901찰흙 clay
15417돌덩이 rock
16245칼바위 칼날처럼 날카롭고 뾰족하게 생긴 큰 바위
korean/native_korean_nouns_2.txt · Last modified: 2011/11/27 22:27 by monkeypuzzle